On The Lake

On The Lake | truelane
On The Lake | truelane
On The Lake | truelane
On The Lake | truelane
On The Lake | truelane
On The Lake | truelane
On The Lake | truelane
On The Lake | truelane

JustFab top  |  Topshop denim  |  Chanel bag loaned c/o Bag, Borrow, or Steal  |  Sneakers c/o Unnown Footwear  |  Ray-Ban sunglasses

Lake Como. I have a travel post coming for our day trip to this magical place, but for now, you'll have to settle for seeing what I wore. I was glad I was wearing pants rather than a dress because the winds both on shore and on the boat were crazy! We took a boat tour of the lake and ate gelato...twice in one sitting. Not kidding: we finished off our cones and went back for second double scoops. That's life in Italy for you.