Central Park Sun

Central Park Sun | truelane
Central Park Sun | truelane
Central Park Sun | truelane
Central Park Sun | truelane
Central Park Sun | truelane
Central Park Sun | truelane
Central Park Sun | truelane

Abercrombie jacket (similar) and sweater (50% off!)  |  J.Crew pixie pants  |  Zara boots  |  Handbag c/o Coach  |  Lulu*s faux fur pom (similar |  Quay sunglasses 

I won’t lie—this is an outfit I rewore a day later on my flight back from New York City. Spending the afternoon in Central Park was a perfect activity for my last day exploring the city with Adriana. I counted back during this trip, and realized quite joyfully that this was my seventh trip to the city. For having dreamed of going since I was ten years old, to actually making it out there at 21, going seven times in the past three years is more than I could have dreamed. Half of it is thanks to fashion week, an event I wouldn’t even be attending if it weren’t for truelane, so thank you—always—for reading. I'm pretty sure an angel gets its wings every time someone clicks over to my website. 

Don't forget:


Saturday, March 12, 12-3 p.m.
Goldfine Jewelry Showroom
600 Washington Avenue North #350
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Come chat with me and Sara about the collection! The first 25 shoppers receive a swag bag filled with gifts from our favorite local companies. Misfit Coffee will be serving along with some other local treats. SEE YOU THERE!