You've Got Mail

You've Got Mail | truelane
You've Got Mail | truelane
You've Got Mail | truelane
You've Got Mail | truelane
You've Got Mail | truelane

H&M tee  |  Aritzia dress  |  Zara shoes  |  Foley + Corinna bag  |  Quay sunglasses

After two and a half weeks of wearing the same clothes out of my suitcase from San Francisco to Boston to Rhode Island, I was ready to shop when I got to New York. I saw this dress hanging on the rack at Aritzia and was immediately transported into 1998 New York City on the Upper West Side. I know You've Got Mail is everyone's favorite movie, but each time I watch it, I love it more than the last. I recreated the vibes of Meg Ryan's simple, casual, and chic style with this outfit, instantly feeling like I belonged on this stoop in the West Village.