New Year, Same Me

New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane
New Year, Same Me | truelane

Photography by Michele Equitz

Anine Bing
sweatshirt | DSTLD denim (similar) | Modern Vice boots | Handbag c/o Sezane (similar) | Ray-Ban sunglasses

I used to be very anti-New-Year-resolutions, but I’ve spent the last few years coming around. I’ve realized it doesn’t matter whether I accomplish the goal or not (I’m easing my way out of being a perfectionist), but that I set it and try my best. You don’t have to change everything about who you are at the turn of the year. I want to meditate every day and journal every day and read every day and work out every day and spend two hours writing every day and all of that builds up to feel incredibly hard, especially when you’re the kind of person that change doesn’t come easily to. “Every day” is intimidating. Last year, I decided just to stick with a mantra: "the year of no boundaries.” It worked splendidly. I went to a yoga class, attended events I was intimidated to attend alone, and didn’t let fear rule my life, which was a heavy problem for me in 2017. Of course, I took some inevitable steps backward, but overall I’m proud of the progress I made.

This year, I’ve decided to add “the year of no laziness” as I build on my year of no boundaries, which means I’m setting a lot of specific professional goals. Like lots of others who live their lives online, it’s hard to stay consistent creating content and being passionate about it, so I’ve grown lazy about finding work, or even just posting a photo to Instagram. Doesn’t the phrase “do what you love and you won’t work a day in your life” drive you crazy? I’ve loved blogging for years, but it’s always been a lot of hard work. I still get beat down and I still have to make an effort. Hopefully this year, I will try harder to overcome that negativity and keep working at it instead of giving up and telling myself it doesn’t matter.

Most of my gripe with blogging is that it’s “pointless,” but I know deep down that I’m doing this and have been successful at it for a reason. As long as I keep digging to find that reason, I know I’m on the right track.

Here is a smattering of my 2019 goals, in no particular order:

- Buy a new computer

- Submit my book manuscript for publishing

- Move into a new apartment

- Read 48 books (I read 38 in 2018)

Happy New Year to my favorite people on the Internet—truelane’s wildly lovely readers.