This Year...

Browsing Piperlime again. This time, something not only caught my eye, but my ear as well. Kate Spade's "This Year I Will" bracelet reads, "read the classics, conquer the souffle, learn to cha-cha, take up the trumpet, fall head over heels" in lovely script writing.

All of the sudden, I want nothing more than a fresh take on life. I've never done New Years resolutions before, but maaaaaaybe this year. These are all the things I need want to start off the new year.

Kate Spade earrings + bracelet, Free People cardigan, Frye boots, Topshop velvet bra, Pour la Victoire flats, Marc Jacobs bag

I just feel like this bracelet has such a great message. Like wearing it will inspire you to do everything you ever wanted to do, but were too scared to try. First thing on my list? Buy this bracelet.