Big Plans!

F21 tank dress, cardigan c/o Karen Kane, probably overworn Yosi Samra flats, men's hat!

Gaaaaaaahhhh. Deep breath. Here comes news!

I am taking part in a photo shoot this weekend, playing model for a day! Lovely Cozbi Hultz is going to be shooting me, and I am excited to meet her and assist-style some fun, spring/summer looks. Eeeek, super nervous though! You guys know that my go-to pose (not cool enough to be a "signature") is looking down at the boring ol' ground, so I suppose I ought to flip through some lookbooks for inspiration before the shoot.

You may have noticed I got a new hat. It is from the men's section, but once I put it on I was sold. I have always wanted to be a hat person, and slowly but surely I am achieving my dream. Ha.

Will hopefully be tweeting a few photos at the shoot, so you may keep up to date here! And have a looovely weekend.