Cyber Monday

Last year on Cyber Monday, I spent way more than one paycheck. Although I'm being more conservative this year (as in credit-card-frozen-in-a-block-of-ice conservative), there are plenty of places and deals I would take advantage of if I could...

Instead, I'll just encourage you to spend money for me.

Kensie is one of my top favorite brands, and only today and tomorrow can you get a BOGO deal! The Blurry Plaid coat, Velvet dress, and Peter Pan blouse would be the first items in my shopping cart.

I can just about guarantee that Dogeared will have a gift for each and every girl on your list. I got a Make a Wish necklace from them one year and still wear it! I'm after the coral branch and crown charms this year...and for $30 each, they are an awesome gift price!

And what Cyber Monday is complete without a new pair of kicks? Solestruck offers 50% off of sale items...just


Dolce Vita 'Jade,' Pencey 'Melun,' Opening Ceremony 'Stefania I'

Yeah. There is something for you. Happy Cyber Monday!