It's Friday and Thank Goodness

Bella Luxx button-up, H&M blazer, Madewell tote, Gap denim, Shoemint loafers, Lucky Brand bracelet

In case you don't live fifty percent of your life on social media like I do, here's some breaking news for you: Gilmore Girls is now available for instant streaming on Netflix and fall has officially arrived for most of the country (save for California and its heatwave of insanity). It's only (already?) the third and October is already shaping up to be a pretty busy month for me, climbing toward the capstone of October 25 for my four-year blogging anniversary. More on that closer to October 25. For now, go enjoy your Friday night. If you can say you've snagged any inspiration at all or even half of a smile from my something-like-business-casual outfit above or my elusive and loquacious ramblings, I've done my job.