Skip A Wash

Last year, I skipped out on making New Year’s resolutions. I've already made a few for 2017, so this year I'm skipping out on something else: washing my hair! I partnered with Dove for the Dove Hair #SkipAWash Challenge. I'm a dry shampoo fanatic and use it almost every day. Dove just released a new line of dry shampoo, and after trying it, I want to see if you guys are down to #SkipAWash and reach for dry shampoo instead!

I snapped a few photos showing you my standard application process for aerosol dry shampoo: I start with a dramatic side part and apply the dry shampoo there to give the underside of my hair some lift and volume. Next, I massage it in with my fingers to help absorb the natural oils that develop in the days after a hair wash. Finally, I comb or brush it out to make sure the product is dispersed evenly.

Skip A Wash | truelane
Skip A Wash | truelane
Skip A Wash | truelane
Skip A Wash | truelane

If I'm going out, whether it's to coffee or to a New Year's Eve party, I like to add a little extra touch—today, I went with a simple twist on either side of my center part for a quick, bohemian-inspired half-up do.

Skip A Wash | truelane
Skip A Wash | truelane
Skip A Wash | truelane
Skip A Wash | truelane

If you have never tried to #SkipAWash, I highly recommend it giving it a go. Less washing is better for your hair, saves you time, and Dove's dry shampoo even works as a sweet-smelling hair perfume. What could be better?

Thank you to Dove for sponsoring this post.