Cherry on Top

Free People top, Target jacket, borrowed scarf, Levis jeans, Cut n Paste bag, Ray-Ban sunglasses, Yosi Samra flats

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know the last thing I said last night was that I was craving Thai tea. Lucky for me, my friend and I were able to squeeze in a trip to the Tea Garden before continuing on with the rest of our day.

It was way too cold for a thin faux leather jacket, but it gave off the perfect vibe for strolling through uptown. And fortunately, there was just enough brightness to justify the glasses. Also, writing this blog post hours later, I want more Thai tea.

It has officially started snowing again, which makes me that much more excited for my trip to Los Angeles in April! I have big plans to be a beach bum and busy shopper with whatever money I can scrounge up by then. So excited! Till then...lots of working and sleeping this weekend. And fighting off the cold with endless coffee.